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- Learn Paint Shop Pro by making happy birthday card
- Tutorial is written for Paint Shop Pro X2 ...


  STEP 1
  • Save this picture and open it in your Paint Shop Pro
  STEP 2
  • Create a selection -> at the topmenu choose Selections -> Load/Save Selections -> Save Selection To Alpha Channel -> named SelectionOutside
  • Create new layer named DropPicture -> at the topmenu choose Effects -> 3D Effects -> Drop Shadow vertical_0 horizontal_0 opacity_50 blur_5 color_black -> ctrl + D to deselect

  STEP 3
  • Create new layer named Tape1 -> make a selection and fill with #f1ead8
  • Create a selection (hold shift after finish each part to keep drawing selection) 
  • Choose layer Tape1 -> press Delete -> ctrl + D
  • Create selection like this (hold shift after finish each part to keep drawing selection) and choose layer Tape -> press Delete -> ctrl + D

  STEP 4
  • Ctrl + R to rotate with setting direction_left degrees_free_48 uncheck_all layers and other option 
  • Press M and move the picture to the corner -> set opacity to 73
  • Still choosing the layer Tape1 -> ctrl + A -> left click at the picture -> ctrl + shift + F
  • Create new layer named TapeDrop -> at the topmenu choose Effects -> 3D Effects -> Drop Shadow vertical_0 horizontal_0 opacity_20 blur_1 color_black -> ctrl + D to deselect

  STEP 5
  • Right click layer Tap1 -> Duplicate -> named Tape2 -> set opacity to 55
  • At the topmenu choose Selections -> Load/Save Selections -> Load Selection To Alpha Channel -> load SelectionOutside -> choose layer Tape2 -> press Delete